Thursday 4 February 2016

Cheam Camera Club: Colour Print

Round 3, with several competitions in short succession over the next month, and no real time to head out with the camera, I have raided the images taken in the summer. Both mounted ready since September, they keep working their way to the back of the pile.  Both experimental.

Dahlia: Picked from the garden and with the image taken in doors. I do love a Dahlia.  The print itself has more red, the orange is a little lost - perhaps its should be a PDI. The benefits of your own printer is you can play until your happy with the results.  The disadvantage of sending away, you don't always get what you wanted!!! Judges Comments: Liked the boldness of the image, the crop, the off centre composition, the sharpness of the centre leading to the softness of the petals.  Liked it being different to the more usual flower images. Score: 10

Woodland Leaves: Taken at Amerberly, while Dave was looking at the cars I explored the wood and I will be again!  A multiple exposure within camera.  The background wood is the first image, the second image placed on top is the close up of the leaves with a zoom burst for extra ta dah!!  A zoom burst is when you move the focus ring in or out while pressing the shutter button.  Sometime you get a mush (I have at least 20 or so of this type) .... sometime you get a great effect (this one!). And I like this.  The image is a little bright in the bottom right hand corner, it will be interesting to see if the image is marked down because of this, I suspect it will! Judges Comments: Very much liked seeing something a little different on the stand. Wasn't sure however, how it sat within the other images on display.  He held the image back until the end.  And without much more comment said he liked it and ..... Score: 9.5

I would be the first to admit, I'm very surprised with my marks so far this season.  I have been much more experimental this season, and I suppose that is because I'm more confident in my camera skills. I'm going to have to come down with a bump sooner or later.  One final colour competition to go!!

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